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MTL YA FEST is dedicated to the safety and comfort of our attendees and authors. We endeavour to provide a safe environment in which fans and authors can interact without intimidation, discrimination, or harassment. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, including verbal comments; written comments; displayed images; deliberate intimidation; stalking; unwelcome photography or recording; sustained disruption of panels, signings, Q&As, or other festival events; inappropriate and/or unwanted physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention including sexual coercion that occurs between one in an authority position in exchange for professional consideration or favors; bathroom policing; physical assault or battery; and any kind of bullying or coercion. Harassment does not include respectful disagreement or reasonable and respectful critique made in good faith.


We also do not tolerate any discrimination, intimidation, or harassment made on the basis of race, age, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, body size, class, appearance, religion, citizenship, pregnancy, or any other marginalized identity.


The MTL YA FEST Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy applies to all interactions at all MTL YA FEST events, venues, and participants, including but not limited to attendees, press, exhibitors, authors, speakers, staff, volunteers, and guests. This applies in the public venues as well as all festival staff space, green rooms, parties, and VIP events.


Any behaviour that violates the MTL YA FEST Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy is grounds for immediate expulsion from the festival, or other action deemed appropriate by the staff of the MTL YA FEST, including warning the party involved that the particular behaviour is inappropriate, prohibition from future attendance, etc.


Anyone can report harassment. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact MTL YA FEST staff or security. If necessary, the MTL YA FEST staff or security will contact local law enforcement, provide an escort, offer a safe place, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to make sure they feel safe for the rest of MTL YA FEST. If you would like to report an incident after the festival has ended, you can contact staff via, or by calling 514-734-1400.


Remember: We ask that all MTL YA FEST attendees, authors, exhibitors, vendors, press, staff, speakers, and volunteers commit to behaving in such a way that everybody is able to participate in MTL YA FEST in a way that feels safe and comfortable. Harassment, intimidation, and discriminatory speech and actions are not permitted.


MTL YA FEST strives to connect young adults with their favourite authors in a fun, collaborative, and knowledgeable environment in which everybody is safe, accepted, and able to be themselves. By adhering to this code of conduct, you make this possible!


MTL YA FEST acknowledges the contributions of SCBWI, Geek Feminism, Science Fiction Writers of America, YALLFest, and WisCon for their work in developing anti-harassment policies.

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